{PROJECT} /cms/ispcs12.ini {TITLE} ISPCS 2012 Website {CONTENT}


IEEE 1588-2008, which is also known as version 2, is due for revision with the most likely date for starting the revision process being January 2013. Since the standard was published in 2008 there have been many products introduced and installed, papers published, profiles written, field trials held, questions raised and official interpretations given. In addition there are several known errors and typographical mistakes in the standard.
To provide background material for the revision study group and to provide a forum for interested parties to suggest and discuss proposed revisions, there will be a special session devoted to this topic at ISPCS-2012. Interested parties are invited to submit short papers explaining their proposed revision of IEEE 1588-2008.
Papers and the oral presentation must provide the following information about the proposed revision:

Each submission and oral presentation must be limited to a single topic. A proposed revision may involve multiple clauses but should address a single technical objective, e.g. correcting an operational error in the protocol, adding a new mapping annex, removing an existing option, resolving a specific conflict with another standard.
Oral presentations will be strictly limited to 20 minutes (10 minutes presentation, 10 minutes discussion). Submissions will be selected for oral presentation based on: relevance, clarity, and adherence to the publication format. As many proposals will be presented as time permits, however, all will be available on the ISPCS 2012 password protected website after the conference and all will be made available to the revision study group. These papers will not be a part of the conference proceedings published by the IEEE.

Papers should be submitted using the EDAS system via the login link on the submission of papers page by the deadline for submission of papers, see important dates. Papers must be submitted using the special session submission format.
All parties presenting special session papers or attending the special session discussions must register and pay the normal conference registration fee, see registration.